My Favourite Superseed!


Superfoods are overrated. That said, there’s one seed out there that does have pretty compelling superpowers for hormones and digestion.  And that is…. ground flax seeds!

To start - ground flax seeds are a really great fiber.  They grab water to bulk up stools and move things out (only if you’re drinking enough water or it can dry things out). 

It’s also a fantastic hormone modulator: it improves estrogen ratios (helping to decrease risk of breast cancer), supports estrogen detoxification, modulates testosterone levels, and increases cycle length in women with short cycles.  It is a great option for cyclical breast tenderness and hot flashes.  

Ground flax seeds are what we’re looking for, flax oil is missing the fiber, and unground flax goes straight through you.  They should be stored in the fridge or freezer, as the oil makes them go rancid easily.  You can buy pre-ground or grind in a coffee maker or powerful blender.

They’re not the tastiest seed on their own, but they can be a great option to add to a smoothie, oatmeal, or yoghurt. 

I generally recommend 1-2 TBSP daily as long as you’re getting enough water!  Try them out!