What if I can’t attend the live sessions?
No problem, you’ll receive a recording the next day!
I’m already a patient, is it necessary to participate in the program?
In our patient visits, we just don’t have enough time to dive into the ins and outs of these concepts. I can absolutely walk you through it one-on-one, but we typically don’t go into as much depth and you miss out on the community and accountability.
Can I also work with you one-on-one?
Absolutely, when we work one-on-one we can dive into your specific laboratory results and supplement or medication requirements. Having these foundations will mean our one-on-one time is very efficient.
I don’t live in Guelph, can I still participate?
You can participate from anywhere in the world. This is one advantage to the program as one-on-one care is limited to patients in Ontario only.
Will you run this again?
Likely not at this price or as a live program.
What if I’m not a mom?
The messaging of the material will be geared towards Moms but it is applicable to any woman
What if I’m not menstruating?
Most of the material will still be relevant, the menstrual pieces that are not relevant are still very informative and most women will find them helpful at some point in life!
How much does it cost?
$150. This is exceptional value as an initial 1 hour visit with Janine is $185.