Foundations for lifelong nutrition!

We all want our kids to have a healthy relationship around food and to eat enough nutritious food that they can grow and thrive and not have nutrient deficiencies.  This can be SO challenging in different seasons of life.

In reviewing the research on picky eating habits of toddlers and preschoolers, as well as child and teenage eating habits I always come back to babyfood introduction foundations.

In the food introduction experience between 6-12 months we’re teaching our babies skills that they will use for the rest of their lives.

We’re teaching them about different textures and different flavours; we’re respecting satiety and hunger cues.

We’re providing a family meal experience where babies can watch how their caregivers consume food and have other food exposures.  

We’re introducing them to allergens to help to decrease the risk of developing allergies.

We’re providing repeated exposures in a variety of different ways to support acceptance of new things.  

These things are all key to setting your baby up for success with a lifelong love of food.  These principles aren’t going to mean there aren’t challenges along the way, but they’re a great foundation.

I’m really passionate about this foundation and believe that every family should have access to the knowledge they need to support their baby.  As such, I’m offering my next FREE online class covering all of the essential pieces to consider on this journey next week Wednesday, November 8 at 9:30AM.

You can click here to register. 

If you have friends or family or neighbours who you think might benefit, please pass along the link! 

If you’re interested but can’t make it live, be sure to still register as I will send out a replay afterwards as well!