Busy Moms, This Is How You Prioritize Your Lunch
We've all looked at the clock, realized it's already 2:00 PM, and realized we haven't had lunch yet. With a busy schedule, it’s tempting to grab a quick snack, like a handful of nuts, to hold us over.
But while this may seem harmless, these habits can affect our health over time. The good news is, a few simple changes in how we manage our day and approach food can help fix this.
Let’s dive into some practical solutions that actually work. Keep reading for my top 2 tips on how to eat well, from one busy mom to another. And just a heads-up: a handful of nuts is not a proper lunch.
👉Make the decision of what to have for lunch the night before while you’re packing up dinner.
Preloading this decision in your brain can make it easier in the moment the next day to grab what you’d already decided on.
👉Set your lunch time as an alarm
If you’re finding that you are forgetting to eat, start setting yourself an alarm and stopping when it goes off.
These two tips are essential for making or breaking your day when it comes to lunch time. For more health tips, be sure to signup for my weekly newsletter & follow me on Instagram!
In health,
Dr. Janine