DIY Body Butter


Body butter is my personal go-to hand cream and body cream in the winter.  It’s greasy, but it does the trick!

The regulation around body care products is minimal. We know our skin is our largest organ and has somewhat of an absorptive function.  Many products on the market contain endocrine (hormone) disrupters. We don’t want those going into our bloodstream (or into kids’ mouths) if we can avoid it.  A whole-body moisturizer is a great place to start on the quest for cleaner body care products as it covers a large surface area.

DIY Body Butter

In a double boiler melt together:

  • 2 parts shea butter

  • 1 part coconut oil.

Once melted add 

  • 1 part light liquid oil (I often use almond or avocado with a bit of olive oil).

Put in the freezer until it starts to solidify, then whip with electric beaters.  You may need to do a couple of rounds of freezing and whipping.

You can add essential oils for smell if desired as well.