Managing Hormonal Mood Changes Over the Holidays

I'm expecting my menstrual cycle on December 14. It's important for my happiness (and my family's happiness) this weekend to know that beforehand. Why? Because December is a busy month filled with many decisions to make and social gatherings, which is a recipe for tears and overwhelm over a weekend if I am not prepared.   

Looking at that in advance, I can prepare. I’ve blocked off a little bit of my workday on Friday to tidy up, so I'm not overwhelmed by the chaos of my house going into the weekend.  I will attend my yoga class on Saturday morning even though it's a busy day - it’s a forced pause and time to myself, which I need premenstrually. I have already decided what food I'm going to make and what gift I'm going to buy in advance of an event I'm attending that evening. I will be intentional about my hydration and ensure that despite social gatherings, I’m eating protein regularly over the weekend as these help me physically feel less on edge.

PMS/PMDD is real and can be VERY intense, as are perimenopausal/menopausal mood changes.  And you'll feel it more during a stressful/chaotic/social month, ESPECIALLY when you have lots of decisions to make.  These are just some of the strategies that I use in conjunction with a few specific nutrients to support me.  I support many women with these concerns.  Check your calendar to know your menstrual dates, put a plan in place, and reach out if you need more support!