New Year, New You?


At the start of this New Year and New Decade, many people are setting goals, intentions, resolutions... 

I think reflection is a fantastic thing, living INTENTIONALLY is important!  Not just in the first week of the year, but throughout the days and weeks of the year.

Here are some important pieces to consider:

  • What matters the most to you in life?  Why?

  • What holds you back from that?  Can you pinpoint one single thing?

  • How can you change that thing?

I’m going to walk you through my answers to these questions as an example because I imagine many of you can relate.

My priorities are human connection (with family, friends, community, and patients), fun, and knowledge (especially in the health and environment-related sphere, but also in life).  Why? Connection, fun and knowledge makes me happy. When I have more of them in my life I am a happier and more grounded person, parent, friend and doctor.  

I know that my cell phone use is the biggest thing that holds me back.  It impacts my sleep, impacts my ability to connect with others, and wastes too much time.  It’s easy to say this is a problem, but it’s harder to change this.  

Some strategies that I have created for myself: 

  • No more notifications.  Dings and pop-ups are a distraction.  If I’m needed urgently, a phone call will do.

  • Park my phone.  I’m hoping to keep my phone by the front door or in the kitchen when I’m home with others.  

  • App blocking.  I use an App called ‘Stay Focused’ which blocks my ability to open certain apps at certain times of day (it’s set to shut everything off when I should be winding down for bed!)  

  • Keep books, sudokus, and magazines around.  I’m easily bored. Having interesting material accessible makes it easier to stay away from my phone and still allows me to accrue knowledge.

  • Accountability. My family knows about my strategies.  I am confident that they will help keep me on task.

What is the biggest thing holding you back from your potential? Is that thing changeable? How can you make that happen?  

Life is a journey, it’s not about the start or the end goal, but the progress on the way.  I hope that you have a chance this month (and every month) to reflect, to change, to curate, and to celebrate.  If you need support with a health-related goal, this is what I do. Strategy and accountability are key. I’m confident that we can knock your goals out of the park.