Do your health goals live on your calendar?

Most people see me because they have health goals, or are dealing with concerns that will require some change in their health habits.  

It’s great to be able to say - we should add more protein and fiber to your diet, prioritize your sleep and move your body more (for most people this really helps!).

But the HOW is often a challenging part of the equation!

We need to put things on the calendar.

If we want to make dietary changes we probably need to have some sort of plan throughout the week of what breakfasts, lunches and dinners might look like.  This might take 30 minutes to put into place and create a grocery list accordingly.  

When can this happen in your week?

When/how will grocery shopping happen?

Do you need to spend time prepping things?

We want to keep this plan SUPER simple and easy, but we DO need to spend the 30 minutes putting it together so you can go into your week confidently.  

This is personally one of my LEAST favourite things to do, but in my household if dinner planning/grocery order doesn’t happen, the week falls apart, so it’s become a priority even if we’re gone for the weekend (thank you No Frills click and collect!)

If we want to move more, we need to create time for that.  Remember 15 minutes is better than 0 minutes.  

What’s going to be the easiest thing to incorporate?

Morning, lunch, evening?

During your workday or afterwards? 

During the week? Weekends?  

This movement plan likely needs to change during different seasons of life and maybe even different times of year. It’s very easy to come up with a million reasons not to move, and if we just say “I’d like to walk more”, it may happen on a beautiful weather week but likely not consistently. 

Choosing the day, time, booking it into your calendar and ensuring your family knows about it makes it so much more likely to actually happen. You know yourself best, are you actually going to exercise on Saturday afternoon, or do you need to plan it for the morning? 

It can be hard to see the space in life to find time for these things, and there will be seasons where you have more or less time. A little bit of scheduling however, goes a really long way for success and for you feeling good about the changes/progress you’ve made.