This Is What Progress Over Perfection Looks Like

There really is no such thing as perfection when it comes to health. There is no "perfect diet" or "perfect exercise plan" or "perfect mental health strategy".   I know, shocking right?!

You may have a plan that works perfectly well for you at this exact moment on this day, but as life changes  and your goals and needs change, your plan will change.  And that’s OK.

The exercise plan that worked well for you as a single young adult is not going to be the right exercise plan for you as a parent to three kids.  You might find that you need to have a bit more of a concrete plan in the winter, and can be a bit more flexible in the summer.  And that’s OK.

Progress Over Perfection:

And this is why our goal is always progress over perfection. We're looking to make little tiny changes, building little tiny habits that add up to significant impacts over time.

👉We don't need to aim for 10,000 steps, we just want you to start moving a little bit. 

👉We don't need to aim for 10 servings of fruits and vegetables in the day, we want to increase the number you have in a day by 1 from YOUR baseline.

We know this has a massive impact on your health!

Flexibility = Success:

Progress allows for flexibility, there will be weeks when life gets crazy.  Habits and routines that you've built can support you through that.

Say it with me, “And that’s OK.”

What Does This Look Like?

👉Progress means recognizing that the meal plan you've put yourself on is causing you stress, which is causing more harm than good.

👉Progress means taking your iron with your yoghurt even though that’s not optimal for absorption (but WAY better than not taking it if you need it!)

👉Progress means grabbing a protein bar even if it’s a bit processed over skipping your breakfast.

👉 Progress means realizing that your sleep is more important than your exercise at some points.  It means changing and adapting with your body's different needs.

Start making progress today! Book a visit with me here.