Simple Steps to Health Solutions

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I want you to get to the root of your health challenges.  I want you to have the energy that you need to fulfill the multitude of roles and dreams that you have in life.  I want to make it easier for you to take care of yourself and to take care of your kids.  I want to guide you and answer your questions so you're not resorting to Dr. Google.  I want to create a simple plan catered to your specific needs.

I understand how a child’s struggle with digestion, sleep, rashes, ear infections, tummy aches, asthma, anxiety, attention difficulties, etc. can affect the whole family.  I know how tough it is to have a sick child at home, it's easy to question your judgement and to question your partner's judgement.  I understand kids.

I understand the ups-and-downs that come with the hormonal changes and other challenges in getting pregnant and staying healthy during pregnancy.  I know how difficult it can be to recover postpartum, and survive the sleepless nights and struggles of raising children while putting your own health concerns and goals on the back burner. I am here for you and I'm here for your family.

We have access to so much information in today's day and age.  It's easy to google your symptoms online and come up with a host of possible explanations and treatments to your insomnia, pain, acne, fatigue, digestive concerns, rashes, etc.  It's harder to know what information to trust and how to apply that to your specific circumstances, safely.  I use my knowledge, experience, and research to help you navigate your concerns and improve your symptoms.

Oftentimes when it comes to our health we have overachieving ideas and goals which we can maintain for small periods of time, but not long-term.  My intention is to create a plan that is feasible and leaves you feeling empowered, educated, and supported.  I break things down for you so that you leave our visits feeling confident in your ability to carry out the plan.

I want to support our vibrant Guelph community and provide simple steps to health solutions.



Robin's Nest Family Care
319 Woolwich St. Guelph, ON


(519) 265-4005

Upcoming Presentations



The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and starting on the first one.
— Mark Twain


Let's Get Started.

Use the form below to contact me regarding any questions you have. You may also book an appointmentemail, or call me directly.