Permission to Pause

Does this sound familiar?

The demands are high, there are many moving pieces to the day and sometimes no chance for rest until the evening.

The little snippets of pause in the day are a quick scroll through social media and email.  

The noise of people, to dos, and online information never ends. 

Eventually it gets too much and you feel anxious, irritable, frustrated.

You’re up during the night thinking about it all.

If it does, this is your sign that you NEED to slow down during the day.

This can be as small of a step as taking one minute to pause after lunch and grounding yourself.  And another minute when you get home from work.  Create a bedtime routine that doesn’t involve scrolling in bed.

Things won't fall apart if you stop for a minute, breathe and just be. You will still get a lot done in your day.  But you’ll give your nervous system a chance to recover.  

Pausing or stopping or resting feels hard!

We were raised to believe our worth is a marker of productivity, and that it’s all or nothing.  We can relax in the late evening or on vacation but not during the day.  

THIS lack of pause is what’s causing so many hormone challenges for women, contributing to anxiety and insomnia, contributing to rage.  Your nervous system is primed to protect you and doesn’t realize that it may not actually be in danger, you just have a lot going on.  

Remind your body you are safe.

Put your hands on your chest and take a couple deep breaths.

You are worthy of rest.