It’s easier to support wellness than it is to treat illness

One of the beautiful things about Naturopathic Medicine is that I have time to sit down with my patients and really dive into their health concerns.  

We are not limited by OHIP constraints, so we can be more proactive with bloodwork. We can talk about family history and concerns that we need to be mindful of through aging.  

This is SO important, but is still very difficult for many people to prioritize.  

It’s much easier to prevent burnout than to treat it.  

It’s a lot easier to treat a ‘low end of normal iron level’ than anemia.  

It’s SO much easier to get your blood sugar on track when you have mild insulin resistance or are ‘at risk for diabetes’ vs. when you’re pre-diabetic.  

We build lean muscle mass much easier when we’re younger.  

It’s much easier to build bone density and maintain it before menopause than after, managing osteoporosis is much more difficult.

The risk of heart disease can be dramatically reduced through dietary and lifestyle changings, but if we’re not ever assessing your cholesterol, activity, and blood pressure until 50yo+ we’re missing a chance to support you.

Pain is complicated and when it becomes chronic it gets more difficult to treat, the sooner we find ways to manage it the better!

These are all examples of where if we can nip something in the bud it’s so much easier.  This is also why we use screening tools such as mammograms, paps, colonoscopies, etc.  

It is DIFFICULT to see the benefit of these things when you’re feeling okay, or when time is limited and demands are high, but we want to support you to feel your best for MANY MANY years to come. If you don’t make time for wellness, you may be forced to make time for illness