Where intuitive eating fails

Intuitive eating has become much more mainstream these days!

I love it in a lot of ways. 

It’s important to listen to our bodies cues, it’s important not to demonize any specific foods, it allows us to move away from diet culture. These are all amazing things.

Where it fails though, is when we’re not actually listening to our body and not actually meeting its needs.

You may not FEEL hungry, if you’re running around the house getting yourself and your kids out the door - not because your body doesn’t need the fuel, but because you’re not paying attention to the subtle cues to eat.

You WILL likely FEEL like eating chips at 2pm if you didn’t have a lot of fiber and protein in your lunch or if you skipped your lunch.

Your body will definitely tell you that you need more calories at 9pm if you didn’t eat much all morning.

If you’re getting most of your protein from peanut butter it will be hard to intuitively know when to stop because there’s really not a lot of protein in peanut butter. 

If you’ve underslept, your body will have more cravings for high calorie, higher carbohydrate foods as a way to get a dopamine hit and an energy boost.

I want you to eat the chips if you feel like eating them, but NOT if you feel like eating them because it’s been too long since you had a proper meal. 

Intuitive eating works, but to do it well we need to prioritize quality sleep, and we need to build in pauses during the day to ask ourselves, ‘what do I need right now.’

If you’re interested in learning how to implement this into your life, book a visit!