Parents, Ready To Put Your Basic Human Needs First?

In my practice, it’s all about putting basic human needs first…

I see a lot of patients that have a million things on their plates. And for a lot of these people, their own health needs are falling to the back burner.

If you’re struggling to find time to exercise 🏃‍♀️, not getting enough sleep💤 because there’s too much to do at night, or it's been years since you’ve had blood work 🩸 done, you’re forgetting to take their vitamin D ☀️ because life is so full, and you’re missing meals 😩 and they're always running in a million directions at many times. Just know, that this is a very common experience in my practice, and you're not alone.🫂

If this sounds like you, I want you to think of basic human needs first.

Your body needs water, your body needs food and your body needs sleep to function. If we are not getting these things, we are making it really difficult on our body to work in the way we want it to. 

It Doesn’t Need To Be Perfect:

Your nutrition does not need to be perfect, your sleep hygiene does not need to be perfect and you don't need to have 3 liters of water everyday. But we do want to be thinking about these basic needs first. 

Your Health Matters:

It's arguably one of the most important things. If we want to continue doing all of the things for our kids, colleagues, employees, partners, neighbors, students, we need to keep our body and brain functioning well. 

A lot of the treatment plans that I put in place are very basic. We can't get complex until we have the basic needs first. I fully recognize how difficult these can be, and I have lots of great strategies to support you to put these in place. 

Reach out if you feel like you're struggling. And when you're feeling guilty for being late for your meeting because you hadn't eaten breakfast yet, I want you to remember basic human needs first.

In Health,

Dr. Janine