Is Confusion Kiboshing Consistency?

The body is confusing!

And when you are receiving information from your doctor, your neighbour, TikTok, Instagram and target marketing it gets even more confusing.  

For many people confusion causes paralysis so they just don’t do it.

I don’t know what exercise to do? So I don’t exercise yet.

I don’t know what the best protein powder is.  So I don’t use and am not getting enough protein

I heard that soy causes breast cancer so I’m not going to eat soy protein even though I’m vegan.

I don’t know if my iron can be taken at the same time as my SSRI so I’m not taking it even though I have iron deficiency.

I heard lectins can damage my gut so I’ve stopped eating legumes.

I know friends who have lost weight eating lower carb, so I’ve stopped eating oats and berries.  

I hear these types of statements too often!

My answer is always…

Keep it simple.  

The best exercise is the one you’ll do.  

Sleep is important.  

Whole foods are great for you.  

Stay hydrated.  

And for all other nuanced health conversations - you know where I am!