Managing hormonal mood symptoms - Holiday Edition

(I wrote a similar article to this last holiday season, that you can read here! But honestly, I think it begs repeating.)

We know that PMS and PMDD are worse during stressful months. And we know that the holiday season, while fun, can be intense. There are a lot of decisions to make about when and where to gather and with whom, what food to make, what presents to buy, who to buy for, how much to spend, what traditions to prioritize…The list goes on and on.

The decisions, especially if you're in that premenstrual time of the month, can feel extremely overwhelming. This is the time where mental clarity is often low, and making decisions is challenging.

Being social in the premenstrual window can also feel overwhelming. What your body classically wants the most during this period is time and space to yourself; something that can be difficult if kids are home and gatherings are happening.   

While you may not be able to avoid the decisions or the gatherings, recognizing where you are at in your cycle can be really helpful.

Here’s two tips for two phases of your cycle during this busy time:

  1. If you're in that premenstrual phase; try to carve out even just a few minutes to yourself each day. 

  2. If you're in your follicular or ovulatory phase, plow through some of those decisions and make a plan for that premenstrual phase.

Here’s a few more tips on how to get through the holiday season with your health in mind:

  1. Talk things through with others in your life that can take on some of the decision-making load and support you to have a bit more space. 

  2. Block some time in your schedule for yourself. 

  3. Managing your expectations is key during this time of year. Remind yourself that you can be a super person but not every moment of every day. 

  4. Pace yourself, pause, and breathe!

PMS/PMDD is real and can be VERY intense, as are perimenopausal/menopausal mood changes. Take it one day at a time, check your menstrual calendar so you know when to expect things and as always, reach out if you need support!